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WORLD BANK GROUPOffshore Wind Development ProgramOFFSHORE WIND ROADMAP FORTURKiYEFUNDEDBY:THE WORLD BANK装ESMAPPROBLUE2024 October International Bank for Reconstruction and Development /The World Bank1818 H Street NW.Washington.DC 20433Telephone:202-473-1000:Internet:www.worldbank.orgSome rights reservedThis work is a product of the World Bank with contributions given by the staff and consultants listed inthe Acknowledgments.The findings,interpretations,and conclusions expressed in this work do notnecessarily reflect the views of the World Bank.its Board of Executive Directors.or the governmentsthey represent.The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work.Theboundaries,colors,denominations,and other information shown on any map in this work do not imply anyjudgment on the part of the World Bank concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsementor acceptance of such boundaries.Nothing herein shall constitute or be considered to be a limitation uponor waiver of the privileges and immunities of the World Bank.all of which are specifically reserved.RIGHTS AND PERMISSIONSThis work is available under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 IGO license(CC BY 3.0 IGO)http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/igo.Under the Creative Commons Attribution license,youare free to copy.distribute,transmit,and adapt this work,including for commercial purposes,under thefollowing conditions:Attribution-Please cite the work as follows:World Bank.2024.Offshore Wind Roadmap for Turkiye.World Bank.Washington.DC.License:Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGOTranslations-If you create a translation of this work,please add the following disclaimer along with theattribution:This translation was not created by the World Bank and should not be considered an officialWorld Bank translation.The World Bank shall not be liable for any content or error in this translation.Adaptations-lf you create an adaptation of this work,please add the following disclaimer along with theattribution:This is an adaptation of an original work by the World Bank.Views and opinions expressed inthe adaptation are the sole responsibility of the author or authors of the adaptation and are not endorsedby the World Bank.Third-party content-The World Bank does not necessarily own each component of the content containedwithin the work.The World Bank therefore does not warrant that the use of any third party-ownedindividual component or part contained in the work will not infringe on the rights of those third partiesThe risk of claims resulting from such infringement rests solely with you.If you wish to re-use a componentof the work,it is your responsibility to determine whether permission is needed for that re-use and to obtainpermission from the copyright owner.Examples of components can include.but are not limited to.tables.figures,or imagesAll queries on rights and licenses should be addressed to World Bank Publications.The World Bank Group.1818 H Street NW.Washington.DC 20433.USA:e-mail:pubrights@worldbank.org.PRODUCTION CREDITSAll images remain the sole property of their source and may not be used for any purpose without writtenpermission from the source.