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Council of theEuropean UnionBrussels,18 January 2023(OR.en)5469/23Interinstitutional File:2020/0353(C0D)ENV 41ENT 10MI30CODEC 41OUTCOME OF PROCEEDINGSFrom:General Secretariat of the CouncilTo:DelegationsNo.prev.doc.:5217/23No.Cion doc.:13944/20 ADD 1 COM(2020)798 final AnnexSubject:Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Councilconcerning batteries and waste batteries,repealing Directive 2006/66/ECand amending Regulation(EU)No 2019/1020Letter to the Chair of the European Parliament Committee on theEnvironment,Public Health and Food Safety(ENVI)Following the Permanent Representatives Committee meeting of 18 January 2023 which endorsedthe final compromise text with a view to agreement,delegations are informed that the Presidencysent the attached letter,together with its Annex,to the Chair of the European Parliament Committeeon the Environment,Public Health and Food Safety (ENVD).5469/23KR/amTREE.1.AENCouncil ofthe European UnionBrussels,18 January 2023Mr Paseal CANFINChair,European Parliament Committee for Environment,Public Health and Food SafetyEuropean ParliamentBat.WILLY BRANDT 04M09960.rue Wiertz Wiertzstraat 60B-1047 Bruxelles/BrusselSubject:Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerningbatteries and waste batteries,repealing Directive 2006/66/EC and amendingRegulation (EU)No 2019/1020 (2020/0353 (COD))Dear Mr CANFIN,Following the informal meeting between the representatives of the three institutions held on9 December 2022,a draft overall compromise text was agreed today by the PermanentRepresentatives'Committee.I am therefore now in a position to confirm that,should the European Parliament adopt its positionat first reading,in accordance with Article 294 paragraph 3 of the Treaty,in the form set out in thecompromise text contained in the Annex to this letter(subject to revision by the legal linguists ofboth institutions),the Council would,in accordance with Article 294,paragraph 4 of the Treaty,approve the European Parliament's position and the act shall be adopted in the wording whichcorresponds to the European Parliament's position.On behalf of the Council I also wish to thank you for your close and swift cooperation which shouldenable us to reach agreement on this dossier at first readingYours sincerely,Torbjorn HaakChairman of the Permanent RepresentativesCommittee (Part 1)copy to:Virginijus Sinkevicius,CommissionerAchille Variati,Rapporteur5469/23KR/am2ANNEXTREE.1.AEN