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EXPOSURE DRAFTESRS S4Consumers and end-usersApril 2022Open for comments until 8 August 2022PTF-ESRSProject Task Force on European sustainability reporting standardsEFRAG[Draft]ESRS S4 Consumers and end-usersDISCLAIMERThis Exposure Draft has to be read in conjunction with the cover note for ESRS public consultation.It hasbeen prepared under the sole responsibility of the EFRAG PTF-ESRS and is submitted to public consultationby EFRAG SRB to inform the upcoming standard-setting steps.It therefore does not reflect the EFRAGSRB's position at this stage,nor the position of the European Union or European Commission DG FinancialStability,Financial Services and Capital Markets Union(DG FISMA),nor the position of organisations withwhich the EFRAG PTF-ESRS has cooperated.The final version of the [draft]Standard will be produced bythe EFRAG SRB starting from this Exposure Draft,taking into consideration the outcome of the publicconsultation and the requirements of the final CSRD.[Draft]ESRS S4 Consumers and end-users is set out in paragraphs 1-38 and Appendices A:Defined termsand B:Application Guidance.All the paragraphs,including those in the Appendices A and B,have equalauthority.Each Disclosure Requirement objective is stated in a bold paragraph,followed by a paragraphthat illustrates the principle to be followed in the preparation of the respective disclosures.The [draft]Standard also uses terms defined in other [draft]ESRS and should be read in the context of its objective.EXPLANATORY NOTEIn this first set of standards,the PTF-ESRS has focused on developing the disclosures that can be expectedof all entities under the scope of the CSRD.This Standard therefore provides high-level disclosuresregarding an undertaking's impacts on consumers and end-users and related risks and opportunities,whenviewed in general across an undertaking's operations and upstream and downstream value chain.Subsequent standards are expected to expand on this Standard by providing more detailed disclosures inrelation to the sub-topics and specific issues that would be identified as material through the sector-specificor entity-specific materiality determination,which will include actions to address specific impacts and risks,along with related targets and performance measures.In developing the [draft]Standard,initiatives from the Platform for Sustainable Finance,including theannounced guidance on the Minimum Safeguards,as well as the proposal for an EU CorporateSustainability Due Diligence Directive,were taken into consideration in order to ensure that the structure ofthe reporting would be compatible with upcoming developments in this area.[Draft]ESRS S4 Consumers and end-usersPage 2 of 20Exposure Draft,April 2022