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THECARBON FARMINGSOLUTIONA Global Toolkit of Perennial Crops and Regenerative AgriculturePractices for Climate Change Mitigation and Food SecurityERIC TOENSMEIERForeword by Dr.Hans HerrenPraise for The Carbon Farming Solution"The Carbon Farming Solution is a book we will look back upon decades from now and wonder whysomething so critically relevant could have been so overlooked until that time.We are told we have achoice between chemical/GMO agriculture if we want to feed the world or we can see children starveand adopt organic agriculture as a romantic and sentimental pursuit.Really?Toensmeier deseribes afuture that is in alignment with how life works,a scientific and sophisticated agriculturalunderstanding of husbandry and biology that surpasses the productivity of industrial agriculture.What is phenomenal about these land-use solutions is that they are the only way we can bring carbonback home if we are to reverse climate change.The title is accurate but humble:The Carbon FarmingSolution describes the foundation of the future of civilization."-Paul Hawken,author of Blessed Unrest"Dealing with climate change requires action on many fronts,and this book is the toolkit for makingthe soil itself a sponge for carbon.It's a powerful vision,one that I've seen playing out in enoughplaces to make me very hopeful it can presage major changes in our species's use of the land."-Bill MeKibben,author of Deep Economy"Eric Toensmeier presents a convincing argument that carbon farming is crucial to addressing globalissues of the 21st century including climate change,food and nutritional insccurity,cutrophicationand contamination of water,and dwindling of soil biodiversity.Implemented in a transparent mannerand with payments of a just and fair price based on the true societal value,carbon farming is alsopertinent to alleviating poverty and addressing several Sustainable Development Goals of the UnitedNations.Carbon farming as a strategy is in accord with the "4 pour 1000"initiative of the FrenchGovernment presented during the COP21 Summit in Paris on December 1,2015,and The CarbonFurming Solution is a befitting tribute to the 2015 International Year of Soils."-Dr.Rartan Lal,Distinguished University Professor of Soil Science and director of The CarbonManagement and Sequestration Center,The Ohio State University;President Elect,InternationalUnion of Soil Sciences"Eric Toensmeier has done a hugely impressive job putting together this magnum opus.It is packedwith an enormous amount of information about seven hundred plant species that have a role to playin saving the planet from land degradation and climate change while at the same time improving thelives of millions of poor farmers,especially in the tropics and sub-tropics.The Carbon FarmingSolution covers species for every use and every situation that can be assembled in infiniteagroecological combinations.On top of that,the cultivation of these crops can lead to new industriesin the production of food,medicines,cosmetics,and materials-creating wealth and employment.This information should be absorbed by everyone engaged in agriculture;everyone concerned aboutthe future of the world and the well-being and health of its pcople;and everyone interested inprotecting biodiversity.Indeed,The Carbon Farming Solution offers a path to a bright new world!"-Professor Roger Leakey,vice chairman,International Tree Foundation;author of Living withthe Trees of Life"The Carbon Farming Solution is an excellent reference book that convincingly explains the potentialof farming practices based on perennial crops for carbon sequestration and climate change mitigationand adaptation.The numerous photographs and charts included help illustrate the food-security andmulti-functionality attributes of agroforestry and other such farming systems.In addition toprofessionals who work on food sccurity and climate stabilization issues,undergraduate and graduatestudents of these topics will find the book useful."-Dr.P.K.Ramachandran Nair,Distinguished Professor in the School of Forest Resources andConservation,University of Florida2