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③@IRENAIntemational Renewable Energy AgencyADVANCINGRENEWABLES-BASEDCLEAN COOKINGSOLUTIONSKey messages and outcomesIRENA VIRTUAL KNOWLEDGEEXCHANGE SERIES 2023©IRENA2024Unless otherwise stated,material in this publication may be freely used,shared,copied,reproduced,printed and/orstored,provided that appropriate acknowledgement is given of IRENA as the source and copyright holder.Materialin this publication that is attributed to third parties may be subject to separate terms of use and restrictions,andappropriate permissions from these third parties may need to be secured before any use of such material.1sBN:978-92-9260-582-7Citation:IRENA(2024),Advancing renewables-based clean cooking:Key messages and outcomes,International Renewable Energy Agency,Abu DhabiAbout IRENAThe International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)serves as the principal platform for internationalco-operation,a centre of excellence,a repository of policy,technology,resource and financial knowledge,and adriver of action onthe ground to advance the transformation of the global energy system.An intergovernmentalorganisation established in 2011,IRENA promotes the widespread adoption and sustainable use of all forms ofrenewable energy,including bioenergy,geothermal,hydropower,ocean,solar and wind energy,in the pursuitof sustainable development,energy access,energy security and low-carbon economic growth and prosperitywww.irena.orgACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThis report was developed under the guidance of Ute Collier (Acting Director-Knowledge,Policy,and Finance Centre),and was authored by Ntsebo Sephelane (IRENA),Divyam Nagpal (ex-IRENA),and Clemence Dryvers (Consultant).The report benefited from the reviews and inputs from internal and external experts:Kavita Rai,Diala Hawila,BabucarrBittaye,Binu Parthan,Toyo Kawabata,Thierry Odou and Chun Sheng Goh (IRENA),Caroline Ochieng (SEforAll),Nick Rousseau (MECS),and Esther Altorfer(Sistema.bio).The report was edited by Erin Crum,and design was provided by Myrto Petrou.IRENA would like to thank the Government of Norway for supporting IRENA with the work that formed the basis of thisreport,including the Virtual Knowledge Exchange Series conducted in 2023.For further information or to provide feedback:publications@irena.orgDISCLAIMERThis publication and the material herein are provided "as is".All reasonable precautions have been taken by IRENA to verify the reliabilityof the material in this publication.However,neither IRENA nor any of its officials,agents or other third-party content providers providesa warranty of any kind,either expressed or implied,and accept no responsibility or liability for any consequence of use of the publicationor material herein.The information contained herein does not necessarily represent the views of all Members of IRENA.The mention of specific companiesor certain projects or products does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by IRENA in preference to others of a similarnature that are not mentioned.The designations employed and the presentation of material herein do not imply the expression of anyopinion on the part of IRENA concerning the legal status of any region,country.territory.city or area or of its authorities,or concerningthe delimitation of frontiers or boundaries.